The Altrient Story

The Altrient Story

Les Nachman co-founder of LivOn Labs began his career in the mail order business in 1959 and stayed in it on and off until 1988 when he began manufacturing and marketing food supplements full time. Along with his business partner, Les developed several extremely successful companies. Life was good. Then, in the late 1990’s, he developed heart disease. By 2003, it was so bad that his doctors were suggesting a heart transplant as a last resort and advised him to get his affairs in order.


Faced with the prospect of conventional allopathic medical practitioners (those who rely on drug and surgical treatments) giving up on Les, he and his wife Cindy were open to any option that would save his life. They turned to “unconventional” medicine and discovered a world of disciplines, practices and treatment methods that have withstood the test of time and have been handed down throughout the ages.

Their research led them to two extraordinary doctors in California. One was a renowned virologist and epidemiologist, and the other a maverick cardiologist who had been experimenting with alternative methods of treating sick hearts for a long time. The first and foremost fact they learned from both of these doctors was that a damaged heart can be repaired, or at least the progression of the disease can be slowed or stopped. Next they learned that a holistic approach to treating disease is essential.

Under the direction of these physicians, Les’ course of therapy included many unusual substances, dietary changes, exercise, etc. The most notable thing his doctors did was to prescribe massive doses of vitamin C administered intravenously. All of this ultimately helped with healing and strengthening his heart.

Like most people, they thought vitamin C was something you got from orange juice and that its only benefit was to help you recover from a cold. Imagine their shock when they learned that vitamin C in high doses is one of the best, most broad-spectrum antibiotics known to man. It is also an incredibly powerful antioxidant that is absolutely essential for the synthesis of collagen and certain neurotransmitters.

All of this information convinced them that vitamin C is the most underrated natural substance on the face of the planet. Their research led them to read the works of great pioneers in vitamin C research, including Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Robert Cathcart, Dr. Matthias Rath and Dr. Thomas Levy. Each of their in-depth works revealed the benefits of vitamin C, but also gave them insights into the inherent problem with a high-dose vitamin C course of treatment.

LET was the answer we were searching for – an oral delivery system for high-performance vitamin C with high bioavailability and no gastric side effects.

Dosage dilemmas

Taking a therapeutic dose of vitamin C orally will typically cause gastric distress, most commonly, diarrhoea. Most people start experiencing these side effects with a dose of just 3-4 grams. Even if someone can tolerate higher doses of vitamin C, studies show that 10-12 grams taken all at once typically results in only about 1-1.5 grams actually being absorbed into the bloodstream. The rest migrates to the colon and, since it’s highly acidic, the vitamin C attracts water from the body and causes diarrhoea.

Considering these facts, they were at first convinced that oral ingestion of vitamin C was not the answer. Intravenous (IV) vitamin C provided a solution, but it would be impractical for the average person because of the cost of the treatment, the time and pain involved, and the difficulty of finding a Medical Doctor to administer it.

vitamin C is the most underrated natural substance on the face of the planet.

The physicians taking care of Les hypothesized that if a method of delivering vitamin C orally could be developed – one that would deliver almost total bioavailability without the usual gastric distress or diarrhoea – then people could at least avail themselves of some of the wondrous benefits of high-dose vitamin C. Such a product wouldn’t necessarily replace IV vitamin C, but it would bridge the gap between basically ineffective oral vitamin C and totally effective IV vitamin C.

The concept of finding a way to take high doses of vitamin C orally began as a thought that continued to nag at them. However, because of the ongoing benefits of high-dose vitamin C that Les experienced, it eventually became an obsession.

Few people have the time and the resources to pursue an obsession, but Les and Cindy had recently sold his business and he had, in essence, retired. After all, they were expecting him to die. Since that imminent fate seemed less likely, they made the decision to pursue the goal of bringing bioavailable vitamin C to everyone.

Eureka! Persistance pays off

LET Liposomal Encapsulation Technology was the answer they were searching for – an oral delivery system for high-performance vitamin C with high bioavailability and no gastric side effects. The science of LET dates back to the late 1970’s and early 1980’s when most of the relevant patents were issued. The process was initially created and used by pharmaceutical companies as a method to deliver drugs to specific organs or locations in the body without gastric juices acting on them and compromising the integrity, strength or structure of the drug.

After two years of trial and error, Les and Cindy introduced the product they had dreamed about. Today, that product is known as Altrient® C.

The virtues of Altrient® C are described elsewhere on this site. Suffice to say they believe that liposomal encapsulation is the best way to take vitamin C. They have introduced this patented formulation and unique packaging to thousands of people all over the world.